Hi, I’m Alicia Vineyard
While growing up in Las Vegas, I took several art classes in high school and college. I was offered a scholarship for drawing during that time but didn’t think it was the right move at the time. After I graduated college, I wanted to explore the art field so I went to the Academy of Art College in San Francisco.
Now I am married to a wonderful man and have four beautiful children. When the kids started getting older, I found I had more time to devote to art. So I took a watercolor class. It was a life changer for me. I felt like I had finally found my niche. I’d always loved art but didn’t know where I really thrived. Creating something that looks realistic is difficult. I like that challenge. I also like the challenge of finding the right color and tone in a certain area.
I get inspiration from classical Greek and Roman art and the Renaissance. The realism and accuracy of the human body, fabric, or objects depicted in the paintings and sculptures astound me. The skill needed to make stone look soft with volume, or depict a facial expression, or showing strength or weakness in the body is one that is delightfully amazing to me.
Using bright, vibrant colors is something that fills me with joy. I have found new colors and shapes pop out at me at different times during the painting process. I love that! Or I’ll be able to see a color that wasn’t there before. Each painting I’ve done has been a new opportunity to learn a technique or lesson. Hopefully I’ll be able to learn and grow through painting for many more years.